Teaching since 2018

Courses that I created are marked with stars (★ for 100%, ☆ for 50%).

Bachelor Courses: Computer science and communication systems (ISC)

  • Informatique 2 (INF2) – 1st year
  • Bases de la programmation (PRG1) – 1st year
  • Algorithmes et structures de données 2 (ASD2) – 2nd year
  • Probabilités et statistiques (PST) – 2nd year
  • Préparation et caractérisation des données (PCD) – 2nd year ★
  • Gouvernance des données (GOD) – 2nd year ★
  • Apprentissage non supervisé (APN) – 3rd year
  • Traitement automatique des langues (TAL) – 3rd year ★

Master Course: MSc in Engineering at HES-SO

  • Advanced Natural Language Processing (head of module group)
  • Analysis of Text Data (TSM AnTeDe, head of module group)

Doctoral Course: EPFL EDEE and other doctoral programs

Supervision since 2018

PhD Theses : see the research page.

Master Theses (HES-SO MSE)

  • 2024-2025 : Alexis Allemann (at the European Broadcasting Union)
  • 2023-2024 : Teo Ferrari (at the Swisscom Digital Lab)

Bachelor Theses (HEIG-VD)

  • 2024 : Michael Gogniat, Hugo Huart, Miguel Jalube
  • 2023 : Erica Akoumba, Victoria Logan, Nicolas Wichoud
  • 2022 : Teo Ferrari, Matthieu Godi
  • 2021 : Chau Ying Kot, Simon Mattei
  • 2020 : Matthieu Girard, Luca Reis de Carvalho
  • 2019 : Johanna Melly, Alexandre Vouilloz
  • 2018 : Fabien Franchini, Gabriel Luthier

Semester Projects (HES-SO MSE Projets d’Approfondissement)

  • 2024 : Alexis Allemann
  • 2021 : Romain Silvestri
  • 2020 : Mathieu Jee
  • 2018 : Kim Leng Chhun

Member of PhD Thesis Committees

  • Alexandre Bittar (EPFL / Idiap, 2024)
  • Arnaud Pannatier (EPFL / Idiap, 2024)
  • Juan Pablo Zuluaga Gomez (EPFL / Idiap, 2024)
  • Andreas Marfurt (EPFL / Idiap, 2023)
  • Didier Schwab (University of Grenoble, HDR, 2021)
  • Rachel Bawden (Paris-Sud University / LIMSI, 2018)
  • Sharid Loaiciga (University of Geneva, 2017)
  • Meghdad Farahmand (University of Geneva, 2017)
  • Valentina Sintsova (EPFL/LIA, 2016)
  • Liane Guillou (University of Edinburgh, 2016)
  • Cristina Grisot (University of Geneva, 2015)
  • John Niekrasz (University of Edinburgh, 2011)
  • Sarra El Ayari (Paris-Sud University / LIMSI, 2009)
  • Dennis Reidsema (University of Twente, 2008)
  • Miroslav Melichar (EPFL / LIA, 2008)
  • Maria Georgescul (University of Geneva, 2007)
  • Etienne Denoual (University of Grenoble, 2006)