Current PhD students
- Yiming Li (2022-), EPFL/EDEE and Idiap (main advisor: Dr. Sylvain Calinon) on implicit representations for robot motion planning and manipulation
- Giorgos Vernikos (2020-), EPFL/EDEE and HEIG-VD (with Prof. Sabine Süsstrunk), on context in machine translation
Graduated PhD students
- Alejandro RamÃrez Atrio (2019-2023), EPFL/EDEE and HEIG-VD (with Dr. J.-M. Odobez), Regularization Techniques for Low-Resource Machine Translation
- Xiao Pu (2014-2018), EPFL/EDEE and Idiap (with Prof. H. Bourlard), Word sense consistency in statistical and neural machine translation
- Nikolaos Pappas (2012-2016), EPFL/EDEE and Idiap (with Prof. H. Bourlard), Learning explainable user sentiment and preferences for information filtering
- Maryam Habibi (2011-2015), EPFL/EDEE and Idiap (with Prof. H. Bourlard), Modeling users’ information needs in a document recommender for meetings
- Thomas Meyer (2010-2014), EPFL/EDEE and Idiap (with Prof. H. Bourlard), Discourse-level features for statistical machine translation
- Majid Yazdani (2008-2013), EPFL/EDIC and Idiap (with Prof. H. Bourlard), Similarity learning over large collaborative networks
- Paula Estrella (2005-2008), FTI / University of Geneva (with Prof. M. King), Evaluating machine translation in context: metrics and tools
Member of PhD Thesis Committees
- Alexandre Bittar (EPFL / Idiap, 2024)
- Arnaud Pannatier (EPFL / Idiap, 2024)
- Juan Pablo Zuluaga Gomez (EPFL / Idiap, 2024)
- Andreas Marfurt (EPFL / Idiap, 2023)
- Didier Schwab (University of Grenoble, HDR, 2021)
- Rachel Bawden (Paris-Sud University / LIMSI, 2018)
- Sharid Loaiciga (University of Geneva, 2017)
- Meghdad Farahmand (University of Geneva, 2017)
- Valentina Sintsova (EPFL/LIA, 2016)
- Liane Guillou (University of Edinburgh, 2016)
- Cristina Grisot (University of Geneva, 2015)
- John Niekrasz (University of Edinburgh, 2011)
- Sarra El Ayari (Paris-Sud University / LIMSI, 2009)
- Dennis Reidsema (University of Twente, 2008)
- Miroslav Melichar (EPFL / LIA, 2008)
- Maria Georgescul (University of Geneva, 2007)
- Etienne Denoual (University of Grenoble, 2006)