Our research focuses on the intelligent analysis of (sensor) data.
My team works on making sense of data by developing data-driven models using Machine Learning/AI approaches (e.g., Neural Networks, Deep Learning, Vision Language Models and Bio-inspired approaches) or agent-based models. Our goals include addressing societal challenges by leveraging Big Data (e.g., satellite images and sensor data), and integrating adaptive behavior in the emerging world of ubiquitous computing (Wearable Computing, Quantified Self, Smart environments, Autonomous robots, & Internet of Things).
Our ongoing and recent applied research projects are:
- ML4WATER: Machine Learning Models for Assessing Impacts of Climate Change in Swiss Freshwater Ecosystems, HES-SO, 2024-2025
- HELP2HELP: Forecasting fundraising for Terre des hommes using machine learning models, HEIG-VD, 2024
- SafeEndo: Intelligent motor to avoid instrument fracture for safer endodontics, Innosuisse, 2024-2025
- O2Score: Harnessing antioxidant power with AI to support professional sport coaches, Innosuisse, 2022-2024
- SleepSensor: A next generation sleep recording & diagnostic device, Innosuisse, 2022-2024
- AdhereUp: Advanced Data analytics service for clinical trials, Innosuisse, 2022-2024
- CAM-ANGEL: Context-aware monitoring of patients’ rehabilitation in free-living conditions, 2019-2024
PhD thesis:
- “Context-Aware Monitoring of Hand Motor Primitives in Daily Life Activities: A Pathway to Objectively Assess Rehabilitation of Patients with Upper-Limb Neurological Impairment”, Yasaman Izadmehr, EPFL&HEIG-VD (in collaboration with CHUV), 2024
- “Bio-inspired computational techniques applied to the clustering and visualization of spatio-temporal geo-referenced data”, Miguel-Arturo Barreto-Sanz, UNIL&HEIG-VD (in collaboration with CIAT and BIOTEC), 2011
- “Using Biological Inspiration to Perform Incremental Modelling Tasks”, Hector-Fabio Satizabal-Mejia, UNIL&HEIG-VD (in collaboration with CIAT and BIOTEC), 2010
Previous projects include:
- COFFEE VISION: A smart monitoring tool to support the certification of sustainable coffee plots in Vietnam, 2020-2021
- Deep Line Optimization, Innosuisse, 2018-2021
- DeeCODE: Deep-learning models for Custom Object Detection from multi-sensor Earth observation imagery, Swiss Space Center, 2018-2020
- DeepAPMEA: Deep learning Accelerating Processor for analyzing Multi-Electrode Array data, HES-SO P1, 2019-2020
- ACTIDOTE: ACTIvity as an antiDOTE to illness exacerbation for people using wheelchairs, HES-SO P2, 2014-2016
- Terra-i: an eye on habitat change, Nature Conservancy, Global Forest Watch, 2014-2016
- AVATAR Control 360º: Telepresence with a humanoid robot, Innosuisse, 2017-2018
- ColoxPlus: A next generation blood test for colorectal cancer screening, Innosuisse, 2018-2019
- AGROVISION: Développement d’un outil de suivi basé sur l’imagérie aérienne à haute résolution, pour une meilleure gestion agronomique et environnementale de l’agriculture, HES-SO, 2013-2016
- WEAZARD: WEArable system to overcome potential haZARDs while going out with children, HES-SO, 2016-2017
- Smart Garments, LIFE corp., 2016-2017
- Smart-DAYS: Smart Distributed daily living Activity-recognition Systems, Hasler foundation, 2011-2015
- Smart-Crowd: Mobile sensing and recognition of crowd behavior based on privacy preserving data mining techniques, HES-SO
- Mnemosys: A memory help system for elderly people, HES-SO
- TIC4AGRO: L’informatique au service de l’agriculture, KFH
- Smart Building: Système de gestion énergétique des bâtiments basé sur des techniques d’intelligence artificielle, HES-SO
- PharMEA: Multi-Electrode Array technology based platform for industrial pharmacology and toxicology drug screening, EU-FP7
- PERPLEXUS: Pervasive computing framework for modeling complex virtually unbounded systems, EU-FP6
- NAVMEDIA: Navigation and exploration of self-organized business media, CTI
- MyDeskPersonality: Moteur de personalité artificielle pour le robot-jouet Mydeskfriend, CTI
- HITS: Bio-inspired systems for music hit prediction, PlatinumBlue
- COCH: Precision agriculture and the construction of field-crop models for tropical species, SERI