On-stand demonstrations in museums, festivals and conferences
- “Animated sandbox and other fun designs”, 2nd Gamification and Serious Game Symposium, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, June 30-July 1, 2017.
- “Corps-concept”, Virtual X-Rays interactive demo, Maison d’Ailleurs, 21.05.2017 – 19.11.2017.
- “Numerik Games”, interactive demonstrators: “Mon ordinateur, an artiste à domicile”, “Bac à sable à réalité augmenté”, “Devine ce que Nao mime”, “Forest Defenders arcade console game”, Yverdon-les-Bains, September 2-4, 2016.
- “Portrait-robot”, interactive demonstrators: “Robot cognitif” (Nao), “Robot bio-inspiré” (Hexapode), “Colonie de robots dansants” (Elisa-3), “Drone compagnon”, Maison d’Ailleurs, June 2015 – January 2016.
- “Actidote: Activity as an antidote to illness exacerbation among disabled people”, 13th International Conference On Smart homes and health Telematics, Geneva, 10.6-12.6, 2015
- Exhibition de la table de télékinésie, Salon du livre de Genève, stand Editions l’Age d’Homme, 29.4 – 3.5, 2015
- “Stalker: expérimenter la zone”, interactive devices (“chien noir”, “table de télékinésie” and “puits sans fonds”), Maison d’Ailleurs, Musée de la science-fiction, Yverdon-les-Bains, September 15, 2013 – March 2, 2014.
- “Vernissage Souvernirs du Futur”, continuous demonstrations of drones and robots, Maison d’Ailleurs, Musée de la science-fiction, Yverdon-les-Bains, Mars 2, 2013.
- “The PharMEA Platform: A High Throughput Data Acquisition Instrument Integrating Real-Time Data Analysis, Data Reduction, and Wellplate-Format Microelectrode Arrays”, MEA 2012 Conference, Reutlingen, July 2012.
- “The Perplexus bioinspired platform” Exhibition, Part of the “Grid and pervasive computing Conference”, Geneva, May 2009.
- “Ubidules@Home” Exhibition Part of the “Science beyond fiction” Conference Organized by the European Comission, Prague, April 2009.